501 Orchard Rd, #05-15 Wheelock Place (Located in Nuffield Specialists),238880.

Unwanted Body Hair

Learn about the different methods of removing our unwanted body hair, whether it is on your face or body.


Unwanted Body Hair

Body hair is a normal part of the human body. They are found all over the body to allow us to trap heat and dirt on the skin. However, it can be unsightly to some. While it is absolutely normal, some prefer to remove unwanted body hair for aesthetic purposes. If you are looking for a permanent hair removal option, you have come to the right place. 

Excessive body hair on women is known as hirsutism. This is when women have excessive hair growth, similar to men. This is due to a hormonal imbalance where these women have excess male hormones like testosterone. This causes them to have dark and coarse hair in areas like the face, chest, lower abdomen, inner thighs and back.

While there are many hair removal methods available such as shaving, waxing and threading, they sometimes cause side effects. If you do not shave your hair properly, they may cause ingrown hairs, which grow backwards toward the hair follicle. This can be even more difficult to remove. 

Waxing is a great way to remove excess body hair from the root. However, hair removal techniques also matter. If done incorrectly, it can produce dry and strawberry skin. It is important to see if your skin suits waxing by doing a patch test and ensuring it does not harm the skin in the process.

At Nuffield Therapeutics, we provide IPL hair removal treatment as a long-term solution to remove and reduce hair on the body. This includes facial hair like the upper lip, arms, bikini line, pubic hair and legs. While most clinics have to examine the type of hair you have, our IPL device can remove hair for everyone. With our safe and effective IPL treatment, you will never have to worry about your unwanted hair again. Read more about our treatment here.