501 Orchard Rd, #05-15 Wheelock Place (Located in Nuffield Specialists),238880.

Urinary Incontinence

Urinary Incontinence usually happens in the elderly and pregnant women. Read more about the different types of urinary incontinence.


Urinary Incontinence

Urinary Incontinence is the involuntary leakage of urine where one urinates when they do not want to. This happens when control over the urinary sphincter is weakened or lost. The severity of this condition ranges from occasionally leaking urine when you cough or sneeze to having a sudden and strong urge to urinate without getting to the toilet fast enough. 

There are 5 types of urinary incontinence including: 

  • Stress incontinence

Urine leaks when you exert pressure on your bladder by coughing, sneezing, laughing, exercising or lifting something heavy. This commonly happens during pregnancy and childbirth. 

In pregnancy, there are constant hormonal changes and the increasing weight of the fetus. This interferes with the normal way your bladder and urethra relaxes and contracts which contribute to urinary incontinence. 

Vaginal delivery can also weaken muscles needed for bladder control and damage bladder nerves and supportive tissue, leading to a dropped (prolapsed) pelvic floor. With prolapse, the bladder, uterus, rectum or small intestine can get pushed down from the usual position and protrude into the vagina. The changes in the bladder muscle and pelvic floor muscles, it contributes to bladder control problems in women. 

  • Urge incontinence

You have a sudden, intense urge to urinate followed by an involuntary flow of urine. You may need to urinate often, including throughout the night. Urge incontinence can be a result of a few reasons like urinary tract infection or more severe conditions like diabetes.

This is common in elderly people as the ageing of bladder muscle can decrease the bladder’s capacity to store urine. Also, involuntary bladder contractions become more frequent as you get older.

  • Overflow incontinence

You experience frequent or constant dribbling of urine due to the inability to empty your bladder at one go. 

  • Functional incontinence

Physical or mental medical conditions, such as severe arthritis, that does not allow you to pass urine on time. 

  • Mixed incontinence

You experience more than one type of incontinence.

There is a chance of experiencing urinary incontinence as you age, pregnant women and persons with obesity. 

Usually, to strengthen the bladder and pelvic floor muscles, kegel exercises can be done. However, in more severe cases, kegel and pelvic floor exercises may not be enough. This is where Nuffield Therapeutics can help to improve your pelvic floor. Read more about our Incontinence Treatment here

*Do note that for invasive surgical methods, you would be required to seek treatment from a gynaecologist. However, because the method we use is non-surgical, we are fully entitled to provide this treatment.